Kepish Apps


About the Project: is evolving as one of the biggest platforms in America that focuses on injury management analytic and reporting, helping the team management to make knowledgeable decision and check progress of injured players.

Our Role:

Yugasa Software Labs worked on this concept from scratch and delivered one of the finest products. is a brain game that can be played on iPad and iPad mini. It is a unique platform that brings athlete,league, coach, doctor and insurance companies at same platform for participating and analyzing simultaneously. Team Yugasa consulted a known brain scientist to understand this brain game concept thoroughly.It is like a video game that makes sure that you are safe and can be played anywhere. This website is built in cake PHP and game application in Objective C based with smooth user interface where playing is enjoyed by athletes.


Kepish is not a very new concept in US but there are features in the platform which make it different from This competitors like enabling athletes to join Kepish even if they are using any other similar platform and start joining games with their pre joined clubs through Kepish OR Doctors joining the game based on their availability OR Integration of insurance companies with in the system etc. Thechallenge for us was that idea was partially clear when we started the project and it kept evolving during the project execution. Though lot of documentation happened before starting the development and both teams were very confident of their understanding but when it came to actual execution, lot of new ideas creeped in. Regular discussions on weekly basis was one important reason for making this project a success. Otherwise understanding the medical world behind Brain injuries and making an app and a portal which could satisfy all technical as well as medical needs of the platform could had been still bigger a challenge for us.

Values gained

A new and stable platform has come into existence. Client is registering with clubs and schools to get users registered on . An athlete if meets an injury on the ground,can now be diagnosed for his fitness and capability to continue the game.There is a system in existence which calculates the actual brain status of an athlete after an injury and let coach, doctors andparents take a sound decision.