

About The Project

BookBinders is a WordPress project done by Yugasa for a web development agency. Other than corporate information, platform offers a tool to place an order of custom book binding using WooCommerce potential. Users can select the type of binding they want on their book or thesis. They decide text element, font size, logo and book configuration. The view of the book gets updated automatically on the basis of parameter selection on the left side form of the page. Dynamic change in the view of the product was achieved using JavaScript libraries. After the user is done with all selections of his choice a bundle of information alongwith a thumbnail of the final artwork to be bought from the platform gets created. This bundle of information is then sent to the Admin along with the final price detail.

Our Role

Yugasa understood the client requirements and estimated the project accordingly. We decided to build a plugin of the kind which could perform the same function. But later with mutual discussion with our client we opted to use a plugin and modified that to make it suitable for enabling the functionality. Continuous interaction with client about functionality and delivering the project as per client’s need was what we focused on thoroughly.


It was a tight deadline project. And unfortunately some considerable changes in price matrix of the product from client side at later stages of the project made situations even tougher. Our own decision of moving away from building the plugin from scratch to selecting a plugin to customize that eased out the situation though, but situation was still tensed. Communication after every 20mins made this project a talk of the company in those days.


We delivered a quality project in desired time despite of many odd situations.