

Motorofferten is a Swedish web application to connect genuine car buyers with appropriate car dealers. It facilitates buyers to post their requirement on the website. This requirement is available for the car dealers as a new lead. The dealers can buy the available lead that matches to their offerings & may contact them offline.

The application is well compatible with the GDPR standards & follows their guidelines. Google Analytics has been integrated with the system to allow admin to measure the flow traffic on the website.


Car buyers can post their requirement by selecting car make, models, fuel-type, gear-box & colors. They can also add specific comments while posting their requirement. The car dealers get notification for every new requirement. Dealers can login to the website & see the list of available requirements. Every dealer has a wallet integrated with their account. Dealers can recharge their wallets with the credit points. These points are available for the dealers to purchase the contact information of the buyers. Once they purchase the lead, they can see the contact details. The website offers an easy to use interface for the administrator. Admin can view the list of all the requirements posted by customers & also can view the list of dealers registered on the website. There is an option in the admin panel where admin can view all the transactions & can download the transactions as CSV which can be then imported to any invoicing system.


MotorOffereten is a new product in the market which intends to automate practices in car selling business domain. Our work has resulted in a responsive website which was developed with perfect UI / UX as was desired by client. A wallet system was also integrated inside the website which ensure seamless online transactions in the form of website credits. WordPress was used to keep the Admin management simple.

Client Feedback

Client loved our work and appreciated our prompt and clear communication.


  • Wallet Integration with Dealers account
  • Quick payment for crediting wallet.
  • Notifications for new requirements
  • CSV download for transactions
  • Transactions can be filter by Month, Year & Dealer Name.
  • GDPR compatible.