How Much Does Progressive Web App Development Cost in 2023? 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the best features of websites and mobile apps into one. 

Because of these advantages, they are viewed as a credible option for the native development of mobile apps. 

PWAs enable users to download web apps to their home screens, receive push notifications, and even work offline. 

This is possible due to recent browser developments, as well as the Cache and Push APIs. 

PWA market size is expected to reach $10.44 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 31.9%. 

However, the characteristics of such an implementation will be extremely basic. 

To survive in a competitive market, companies must include features that distinguish them from the competition. 

As a result, adding special features will raise the cost of PWA development

A PWA can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $150,000 or more to develop. 

Progressive Web App Development

So, how do we calculate the PWA budget? Let’s look at some of the factors that determine the cost of developing a PWA. 

How much does a progressive web app development cost 

When trying to expand its online presence, every company’s budget for solution design is and will proceed to be a top priority. 

Progressive Web App development is less expensive than native application solutions. 

The PWA is 3-4 times less expensive, guess it depends on the platform requirements.

PWA also assists businesses in reaching out to potential customers and delivering appropriate solutions across multiple platforms. 

It improves the user experience and unlocks users’ full potential while significantly lowering development costs and time to market. 

Many businesses overlook the cost of maintaining their platform-specific solutions, but it is critical to consider this before designing any application

Factors Influencing the Cost of a Progressive Web App 

Factors Influencing the Cost of a Progressive Web App

Several factors determine the cost of developing a PWA. 

The websites for each project vary significantly in complexity. 

The progressive web and mobile app development company’s strategy, technology, and required expertise are all distinct.

Despite these considerations, the cost of PWA development will rise as construction time increases. 

You can analyze the PWA development cost once you’ve identified the key factors influencing total spending on PWA development prices. 

Let’s take a closer look at each aspect in the sections that follow. 

Type of Project 

The cost of developing a PWA is highly dependent on and linearly proportional to the project’s complexity. 

The requirements for an online retail store will be vastly different from those of an online booking application. 

The higher the sophistication, the higher the development cost. 

User Interface/Requirements for Users

While it is critical to ensure that your product is functional, it is also critical to properly position and market it. 

Creating brand value is thus critical. 

The application’s design and ease of use contribute significantly to brand value development. 

High-quality graphics cannot be an extra option for brand creation, as this will undoubtedly increase the cost of PWA development. 

Hourly rate 

The developers are paid based on the completion of each project milestone. 

This is most effective when the customer is unsure of what they require or want. 

As a result, after the development company completes each step, the customer can provide feedback on potential changes or request that the developer proceeds to the next. 

Trying to break the project into smaller components allows you to predict how long each task will take and avoids major changes during the final stage.


The developers are paid based on the completion of each project milestone. 

This is most effective when the customer is unsure of what they require or want. 

As a result, after the developer accomplishes each step, the client could provide feedback on potential changes or request that the developer proceeds to the next. 

Dividing the project into smaller components allows you to predict how long each task will take and avoids major changes during the final stage.

How to Reduce the Progressive Web App Development Cost 

How to Reduce the Cost of PWA Development

Based on the aforementioned factors, it is easy to conclude that a complex application is more expensive. 

Consider the following points to reduce the cost of PWA development.

Clearly define requirements 

Making notes and listing and categorizing the features required for your application is a good place to start. 

It is critical to adhere to these notes all through the development process to avoid going off in terms of budget and timeline.

Avoid Hidden Costs 

The required features may ask for back-end system alterations that will incur installation fees and administrative support services fees. 

Such a fee should not come as a surprise later. 

Thus, it is important to include the conditions carefully for complete transparency in terms of commitments, deliverables, and fee structure. 

Additional Services 

Every website does not end with the release of the MVP or final product. 

Regular PWA updates and maintenance are also necessary to ensure the application’s health. 

Before signing the contract with the development company, the cost of such services should be clarified. 


What factors should be considered when estimating progressive web app development costs

The following are the primary factors that will influence the cost of developing a PWA application: 

● Functionality & Features 

● Customization of application design

● Team size is required. 

● The development partner’s geographical location 

Are PWAs better suited to all sectors or just a few? 

PWAs are ideal for all types of businesses and industries, such as e-commerce, blockchain, information technology, and many others. 

Companies in virtually every industry can plan to invest in the development of a PWA. 

Both B2B and B2C businesses can expect to grow to the next level.

Final thoughts 

There is no fixed cost for PWA development

The solution set you choose for your PWA website should be carefully considered. 

Don’t forget to take our cost-cutting advice into account. 

If you have a limited budget and want to reach a larger audience, PWA development is the best option for your company. 

It also provides dependability, quick downloads and installation times, and network independence.


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