How to manage remote Developers – A Step-by-Step Guide

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How to manage remote Developers: What is the top worry among startup entrepreneurs when it comes to recruiting remote developers? “How are we going to make this work?” it says.

It doesn’t have to be tough, unpleasant, or unexpected to work effectively with remote developers. It only takes a little bit of goodwill and some old-fashioned business strategy. So, here’s our guide on collaborating with distant programmers.

Working with remote developers: Some pointers

1. Prepare a game plan ahead of time

Before you engage your remote developer for the project, you must have a thorough strategy ready to go.

If you’re not clear what you really need or how long it should take, you’re going to end yourself in a bad situation. Why? People can’t read your mind, after all.

If you intend to “roll with the punches,” you will end up spending too much money, wasting your and your developer’s time, receiving work that isn’t up to the standard “you had in mind” (but no one else knew about it) and causing a LOT of frustration for you and everyone else involved in the project.

So, go to work on your assignments. Spending a little effort upfront establishing objectives and deliverables will save you time and money in the long run. Additional advantage: Being as specific as possible increases your chances of finding the finest developer for the job.

2. Tell the narrative behind the scene

First and foremost, providing some context for the topic they will be working on establishes the context. Your developers will be able to think more imaginatively to achieve what you require if they have a deeper understanding of your aims.

Also, don’t overlook the importance of having a goal and a project that you believe in, as well as the ability to envision how your effort can help you succeed.

While it may appear that completing this ahead of time would take too much time, doing so will enhance clarity, eliminate misunderstandings, and save time in the long run.

3. Put yourself in a position to succeed – How to manage remote Developers

Keep in mind that your developer’s success is directly proportional to your own. When a project goes awry, many project managers place the finger onto freelancers.

In truth, initiatives go wrong more often than not owing to a lack of communication and a desire to put in adequate preparation time on your part.

Freelance developers are typically driven to finish projects on schedule and to your satisfaction. They can only live the lifestyle they want because they provide high-quality work on time.

4. Regularly check-in

While you may not have time to catch up at the office on a daily basis, regular check-ins with your remote developers are essential.

They keep both parties on the same page and assist in the management of mutual expectations. Do not hesitate to contact your developer if you have any queries or issues regarding the project’s development.

5. Provide feedback

If they’re facing your project, let them know how much you value their assistance. And, if they’re underperforming, don’t sugarcoat it.

Timely and constructive criticism may rescue a project and your relationship with a freelance developer. Simply be flexible, if anything is slightly wrong but will have little impact on the final product’s performance or functionality, don’t sweat it.

6. Consider the suggestions of your developer

They’re experts in their fields, and you’re paying for their expertise. Even a brief conversation with them might provide you with new insights into the project you’re working on. To begin, ask the following questions:

  • What are the most common pitfalls in initiatives like this?
  • What are some things we could do differently next time?
  • Are you prepared to complete the project?

7. Don’t allow time zones to get in the way of your plans – How to manage remote Developers

Different time zones don’t have to stand in the way of a project’s success (and life). Remember, even with a 9-hour time difference, nobody has to stay up until midnight or get up at 4 a.m. to make things work!

A project meeting at 3 a.m. is never justified, and there is ALWAYS a time that is reasonable for both parties.

It’s very doable to meet at 5 p.m. your time and 8 a.m. the developer’s time. If the time difference is substantial, the best approach to get things done is to have an early mutual agreement on time zone management.

8. Don’t squander your freelance developer’s time

Don’t attempt to cut corners with your developer—the prices may appear a little more than you expect, but that’s because they’re professionals in their disciplines and can offer exactly what you need.

When it comes to hiring freelance developers, bear in mind that you get what you pay for. Prepare to spend top cash for a top PRO’s time and expertise if you want them to work on your app and make it foolproof. Always remember to respect their time as much as you respect your own.

Don’t participate in unpaid test projects. Time is an important commodity for everyone. Would you feel valued and appreciated if your customer requested you to produce this “unpaid test project” that would take around five hours of your time to complete before evaluating if you are competent enough to work for them in the future? No, I don’t believe so.

Don’t be a customer with whom you wouldn’t want to work. Say “please” and “thank you” a lot. Thank you as frequently as you can.

It’s a fantastic way to strengthen a friendship by expressing gratitude for a job well done. Treat them as if they were your own workers because that is exactly what they are.


Remember that working from home is the way of the future. Many companies are implementing a remote working culture.

It’s usually a good idea to be aware of what’s fresh or popular. There’s no need to be concerned. If you pay attention to everything said in this post, you can be sure that your project is on schedule.


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