All About Responsive Web Designs and why is it required

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Web Design Responsive: With the excessive rise in mobile devices, the growth in the popularity of mobile phones has raised. You will be doing yourself a huge risk if your website is not designed to respond and modify to mobile and other devices.

Because the whole world is moving around the mobile devices, our all essential works are being performed through it. So, it’s very crucial that your website should respond to every mobile and device respectively. And this can only be done by the

Web Design Responsive

all about responsive web designs and why is it required
Image Credit: Pxhere

Responsive web design is a revolutionary website design technique.

The design aim is to make sites to give an ideal visualization experience, easy reading and navigation, minimal resizing, and scrolling ability. These all abilities are provided across a wide range of devices from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones.

For browsing the websites, people are moving from desktop to smartphones and tablets. Every day a new device is launching and people are accepting and using those devices. Hence, to make your website compatible with each device, it’s important to make a responsive web design.

Initially, the browsing of websites was hugely done on desktop but as we are living in the revolving time, the trend has changed. Now, every person is using mobile phones for website browsing. So, the utilization of desktop has minimized as compared to mobile devices.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive Web design is a method that suggests the proper process of designing and developing websites.

It recommends the designing process that it should respond to the consumer’s activity and environment on the basis of screen size, platform, and position. The method includes a combination of responsive grids and layouts, images, and wise use of CSS media queries.

When any user will move from one device to another, the website will automatically switch to adapt for resolution, image size, and scripting capabilities.

Basically, the website should have the technique to automatically respond to the user’s preferences. This practice would remove the need for a separate design and development phase for every new device on the market.

Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

In this mobile world, people are mostly using Mobile devices or Tablets to perform all basic life operations. From reading to purchasing, every task whether it is easy or complex can be done easily.

Therefore, the designers and developers are required to design and develop the website according to the device features. These would be accessed by mobile users at ease. So, with the help of responsive web design, you can target more users and drive traffic on to the website.

Responsive web design will be a great approach to reach more and more users and drive them to the site.

Responsive design supports you to solve various website related problems.

The design will help to build your site mobile-friendly and will enhance the way it looks on devices with both large and small screens.

It also increases the time frame that visitors spend on the site and helps to improve the site rankings in search engines. A persistent experience can grow lead generation, sales, and conversions, analytics, tracking, and reporting it can all be done in one place.

Responsive web designs decrease the time and cost of on-site content management and keep one step ahead of the competition.

How to implement a Responsive Web design?

A website must not work properly only on a desktop screen, but also on tablets and smartphones. The website is called responsive if it is able to accommodate to the screen of the client of any size.

Responsive web design is crucial for business and actually it is one technique you required to master as a website designer or developer. We have seen what responsive design is and why it is important for business owners to have a website with responsive design.

Now, we will see how to implement Responsive web design into the website that can guide you through making the necessary changes to your site.

There are several things to consider while creating a responsive website. Actually, it is a process that needs a design structure and a hierarchy of content throughout devices. The three main aspects of responsive web design consists:

  • A Fluid Grid
  • Flexible Text and Images
  • Media Queries
  • A Fluid Grid

Initially, most websites were laid out based on an estimation called pixels.

But now, designers are using a fluid grid technique for it. Grids are not any new elements in the designing process. It is an essential element for making a responsive layout. Web designers have been using grids for developing websites since the beginning.

A fluid grid

used for responsive websites will make sure that the design is flexible, reliable, and scalable. Components will have persistent proportion, spacing, and can adapt itself to a specific screen-width on the basis of percentages.

Different devices have their own specific screen size for responsive design that is: Desktop( 960 – 1219 px), Large desktop(1220 px and more),

Tablet ( For Portrait: 768 – 959 px), Mobile (For Wide: 480 – 767 px), Mobile( 479 px and less)

With a fluid grid, consumers will have the supreme experience on any screen when they will view your responsive website.

Flexible Text and Images

The text view and its way to display changes as per the devices. But, whatever device you are using to view, the text will be readable in spite of everything.

On mobile devices, responsive websites offer an opportunity to increase or decrease the font size and line-height for transparency. Flexible text and images accommodate within a website layout width, according to the content hierarchy set with the CSS stylesheet.

Text can be readable in spite of the end user’s device. Within the grid, text can enclose with a rise in font size on smaller devices. Image sizing or flexible images can be one of the most challenging features of responsive web design.

The challenge occurs because of load times on smaller device browsers.

So, you will have to make rules in your CSS that will determine how images can be managed on distinct device screens. Whether they are made for full width, or removed, or handled in a different way, it will handle all things.

Flexible images can measure, crop, or remove depending on the content that is required for the

Mobile Queries

Media Queries is an aspect of device resolution. Responsive web design uses media queries to find out on what resolution of the device it’s being served on. Media queries determine the CSS to be used depending on a device’s breakpoint. For instance, iPhone portrait orientation or iPad landscape orientation, etc are the breakpoint.

This rule functions the flexibility of a layout on responsive websites. Media queries permit for several layouts of a design that uses the same HTML-coded web page.

Why must you invest in a Responsive Web Design?

There are different types of devices coming into the market with time. A single user uses many devices at a time like a laptop, desktop, mobile phone, etc. Therefore, it’s important for the site to be visible across all devices. Responsive website reports suggest that it’s wise to attract both desktop and mobile viewers.

With an increase in global smartphone accessibility, the number of mobile viewers will only continue to rise. Furthermore, in 2015, Google announced that mobile-affection would become a ranking factor in its search engine algorithms.

Now, we will see the benefits of selecting the responsive design for your website. It includes:

  • Flexibility
  • Improved user experience
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Search engine optimization profits
  • Easy to Manage

1. Flexibility

The flexibility of doing modifications and changes is one of the important benefits of Responsive Web Design. When you will have a website with a responsive design, you will have the ability to make any modifications easily and quickly.

You will not have to think and make changes to two different websites.

This provides a big benefit of doing quick design tweaks or fixing a typing mistake on your site. You only have to do it once in one place that’s it.

2. Improved user experience

User experience is a significant factor for any website. The user experience will rate your work and give feedback about your good and bad things.

People want to use those websites that are easy to use and are attractive. These things convince users to come back to your website. If your website will not load properly on any device and its images do not view with proper resolution then it can harm your company image and can make your company appear unprofessional.

But, with responsive website design, you can remove all these defaults and make your site work on any device with specific resolutions. Any customer will only give their interest to your product if you will show your company image properly.

Because no one wants to do business with an unprofessional. Responsive web design offers a much better user experience and can help convince people to be a part of your company.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Responsive designs are affordable to manage and are cost-effective.

Maintaining different websites for mobile and non-mobile users can get expensive.

By using responsive design, you can save your money and you will only have to invest in single-site design to attract all visitors of all devices.

4. Search engine optimization profits

all about responsive web designs and why is it required
Image Credit: Pxhere

Search engine optimization(SEO), is an approach used by several organizations to help promote themselves in Google’s search page rankings.

Responsive web design can assist you with SEO because Google gives preference to websites that are mobile-friendly. The more top you will be on the google page, the chances of getting potential customers will be higher.

Along with other SEO( Search Engine Optimization) factors, responsiveness can help give you a big enhance in search engine results.

5. Easy to Manage

Most businesses don’t give sufficient time on their website maintenance. They do not have time to update or refresh the website’s appearance.

Due to this behavior, you can lose your customer as they want to work with a professional company.

But responsive web design helps you in this situation and assists you to handle every part of the website. It will permit you to make the changes yourself easily and quickly. Moreover, with only one website, you will get sufficient time to manage other elements of your site like marketing, etc.

The responsiveness of a website removes the stress of managing a business website.

Responsive design is a crucial part of any modern web strategy. It must be a part of your website also as it has numerous benefits that can benefit and boost your business.

If you’re ready to invest in a responsive website, then you must connect with us. We at Yugasa are well versed in designing and developing any kind of website.

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