Union Budget Mobile app launched Ahead of the Budget 2021-22

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Union Budget Mobile App: Ahead of the Financial budget of 2021-22, Nirmala Sitharaman, our finance minister, launched last Saturday, i.e, January 23.

The Mobile app will facilitate all the stakeholders, i.e Ministers, MPs, and the citizens of India with the information and documents about the Budget.

The app is a multilingual app and is available in Hindi and English, thus enabling even people from different lingual diaspora to use the app. 

The app is developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the supervision and guidance Department of Economic Affairs(DEA). Users can install the app either on their android or iOS devices.

Union Budget Mobile App, The app is developed under the impression of having a large user base on both the OS, which is exactly what the stats say. The app can be installed from their respective app stores. A link to the app will also be available on the union budget website – https://indiabudget.gov.in.

The app is developed, keeping in the mind, both the urban and rural users, and as the ministry suggests, the app will have a user-friendly interface, enabling users to access and read the amongst the 14 different union budget documents, including the Annual Financial statement(Budget), Demand for Grants(DG), and Finance Bills.

Some other key features are downloading, printing, searching, Zoom in and out, table of contents, and external links.

The Union Budget 2021, scheduled to be introduced on February 1, will be totally paperless. The budget papers won’t be imprinted in the wake of the continuous Covid pandemic.

The choice has been taken as almost 100 individuals would be needed to remain at the printing junction for around a fortnight in the midst of the pandemic. 

The Central Government has gotten consent for the same from the two places of parliament. 

A standard Halwa service is played out each year prior to the “lock-in” cycle of the Budget arrangements gets in progress. 

This typically occurs around the center of January when the activity to conclude and print spending subtleties begins. This year, as the financial plan is going paperless, the service got postponed since the requirement for lock-in isn’t needed.

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