Best practices to Enhance Your Mobile App’s User Experience

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Mobile App User Experience: The shift from offline to online started off two decades ago. Starting off from the basic HTML websites to the present day’s incredibly responsive and swift websites to the apps we use in our everyday life.

The key factor which shaped this incredible revolution is “Customer Experience and their ease of access”. From food ordering food right from your bedroom to learning a new skill all had the same specific base. 

The same idea is harnessed to make apps more likable. From an app perspective, The term “user experience” was coined by Don Norman, the first to describe the importance of user-centered design: the concept that design decisions should be based solely on the needs and wants of users. 

Mobile App User Experience – Below are the main key points which an app creator should have in mind while developing an app

A perfectly Functional app – Mobile App User Experience

Application makers don’t generally concentrate enough of their endeavors on consummating the usefulness of an application for their users and lamentably end up with a broken app.

A report from Localytics uncovers that 21 percent of versatile users forsake an application after one use if the application doesn’t convey the experience they anticipate. 

The functionality of the app must help the user complete the tasks they need to accomplish to achieve their goal, which is the motivation for downloading the app, to begin with.

Prioritizing during the product roadmap phase of development will enable users to complete tasks more easily. Remember to offer relevant mobile-only functionalities that will encourage more users to download your app rather than reverting to a website.

Efficient Onboarding

The goal of onboarding is to show the value of your app to the user, by demonstrating how they can achieve what they want, quickly and efficiently. If the user is having trouble within the first few screens, they’ll likely drop off without hesitation.

Delivering an excellent onboarding experience is the foundation for attracting and retaining users. Within the first week of downloading an app user retention already drops by 25 percent; however, Localytics observed that where efficient onboarding was implemented, an increase of 50 percent in-app user retention was noticed.

There are many strategies you can integrate to maximize the mobile UX during the onboarding phase to encourage users to come back time after time, such as a tutorial to show the user how the app works.

This is progressive onboarding, ideally used if your app has a complex workflow or hidden functionalities that the user may not be aware of right away. Great user onboarding not only lowers abandonment rates but can also help boost long-term success metrics like user retention and user lifetime value.

Another consideration to keep in mind is to reduce the number of steps needed for account creation/signup, and include multiple registration options (i.e. sign in with Facebook or Google).

Convenience – Mobile App User Experience

Convenience incorporates the layout of data, plan, content, and different components that empower users to achieve their objectives inside the application. Help users by instructing them which symbols can be chosen, tapped, or swiped.

Ensure that you stay predictable with motions all through the application to advance convenience. For instance, if swiping up erases a thing, ensure the equivalent is valid for all screens inside the application. 

Reduce Search Effort

Help your users find what they need rapidly to fulfill their requirements. There are various inquiry techniques you can incorporate into your application, for example, standardized identification filtering and watchword search.

Giving users an inquiry alternative and channels to control them directly to what exactly they’re searching for and will altogether expand change rates. The motivation behind this strategy is to assist users with finding precisely what they’re searching for so it’s important that the inquiry mix doesn’t channel down to zero outcomes.

Limit User Input

This is the information users are needed to enter, for example, their Visa and charging data, during enlistment or checkout for instance. User info required should be negligible on cell phones as users may get disappointed with the littler screen size.

To stay away from the high drop off rates, try to restrict the number of fields, and just incorporate essential data. Smooth out this cycle by coordinating autocomplete, spell-check, and forecast text help.

Assure Security And Trustworthiness

Numerous users will download an application just to be overpowered with a not insignificant rundown of consents holding back to be acknowledged before they can utilize the application. Authorizations incorporating/requesting Mastercard data while there isn’t any direct or immediate requirement for it as it makes the user suspicious or worse, can make him uninstall the app.

Ensure you give straightforward authorization arrangements and permit your users to control how their own data is shared inside a portable application. 

By obviously delineating your business strategies and practices, your users will have a sense of safety tolerating authorizations. Incorporate direct connect to your security guidelines page, especially for a retail application.

Strengthen trust by showing confided in identifications of security, particularly when users are confiding in your image with their own and monetary data.

Integrate Gesturization

Gesturization includes the activities users make while collaborating with your application, for example, squeezing, swiping, and looking over. For instance, swipe signals presently encourage activities, for example, “share” and “erase.” Knowing how your user’s act is vital for gestures, so as to comprehend what activities they’re comfortable with.

Thus, users will feel more comfortable with your application, making the onboarding cycle a lot simpler.

Offer Assistance

Offer your user quick help inside the application by offering distinctive help alternatives. Users will regularly look for help in the toolbar or tab bar of an application.

Offer various ways for users to get upheld, including self-serve FAQs and live help through click-to-call fastens, or live visits.

Personalize The UX

Personalization gives a more exceptional and pertinent experience to the user. At whatever point conceivable, customize the UX by utilizing user information to show important substance and material in the application. For instance, Provide users with explicit retailer bargains dependent on their area.

The more adjusted the experience is with a user’s needs and inclinations, the almost certain they are to keep on utilizing the application. 

Making it a stride further, remembering the user’s name for the screen and informing is a simple and successful approach to customize. Make certain to just show hyper-important substance to every individual user for the best outcomes. Executing too many message pop-ups or pushing immaterial substances will probably disturb the user. 

Kill The (Error) Messenger

Error messages are fatal to an incredible user experience structure. In addition to the fact that it is horrendous for the user, however, it typically intensifies the mix-up by prompting inadequately structured popup messages. Rather than just indicating a terrible, superfluous blunder error message to the user, execute another approach that offers elective alternatives to the user to address the issue.

A typical fix is a spotless and clear connection back to the beginning stage before the issue happened, or another screen that offers an alternative way to finish their task.


A developer should understand and follow the above tips to make a difference in the user experience of the app. Whether it is Android app development or iPhone app development the developer needs to give extra attention to this aspect.


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