What is new in xCode 10

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xCode 10: Are you a developer looking to start building apps for the best known Operating system in the world? Do you want to be recognized as the architect behind the best of the best operating system? You must have guessed what I am talking about by now. This article will be about xCode, specially the new xCode 10! So let’s dive right in, let’s learn everything that’s there to know about the new xCode 10!

Supported Configurations

The first factor to know about any new feature would be the compatible platforms. Similarly, here are the configurations that xCode 10 requires to function smoothly; It firstly requires a Mac running macOS 10.13.4 or later. xCodes comes with SDKs for iOS 12, watchOS 5, macOS 10.14 and tvOS 12. It is capable of running multiple concurrent versions of the xCode App and any associated tools. The fascinating thing of xCode 10 is that it can coexist with previous
versions of xcode.

Easy on the eye

xCode 10 has an all new dark interface which brings dark mode to the xCode 10. It can easily be switched on from the system preferences category. xCode 10 also enables you to create your own dark apps for macOS. You can also switch between the light and dark view. You can also switch your app in and out of Dark mode while debugging.

xCode 10 General

The content of the library can now be moved from the bottom of the inspector area to the overlay window. This overlay window can be moved and resized. This is programmed to dismiss once the items are dragged. Custom code snippets can also be added to the library now with xCode 10.

The change in the source editor

Now, it is possible to use multi cursor for editing so that you can quickly edit multiple ranges of code at once. Due to the presence of the source control – enabled project the source editor displays changes made by a developer in the gutter and shows changes made by other developers that haven’t yet been pulled into the project.

Asset catalog

It supports unit varying image and color assets by light, dark and high contrast appearances on macOS 10.14 and above. Apart from this also has the support for CarPlay assets and for ARKit 3D ARReferenceObject asset.

Build system

It uses a new build system. The new build system provides improved reliability and builds performance and it catches project configuration problems that the legacy build system does not.


xCode believes in testing too! It supports running tests in parallel, which reduces the time it takes to run test. Test parallelization is supported for maOS unit tests, as well as unit and UI tests on iOS and tvOS simulators.

Signing and distributor

The Developer ID distribution option in xCode’s organizer is now able to provide support for uploading apps to apple to be notarized. After building an archive, this option can be selected in the organizer by clicking the distributor button and then selecting the developer ID method and the upload destination.

Source control

Lastly, xCode now supports working directly with a few source code collaboration platforms such as; GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket server and also GitLab.com and Gitlalab self –hosted.
Hope that the article satisfactorily gave all the new features of the new xCode 10. With time technology is certainly becoming stronger and smarter. Developers at Yugasa keep strict watch on such technology updates.

You can reach us at contact@yugasa.com for discussing your iOS mobile app project with us. We shall
be more than happy to assist you in your product development.

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